Saturday, November 22, 2008

Getting Ready!

I am getting ready for the trip! I have to make sure I have my passport, proper clothing and gifts for the school we are going to visit. I purchased a bunch of Spanish books to take with me to give to the Sinamune Disabled Children's Orchestra School. Books such as Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie will be enjoyed in the Amazon Rainforest by school children. This is an effort to give back to the world we travel.
I have started packing and the first items I put in were insect repellent and sun screen! I will see how much I use. I am limited to 44 pounds, which sounds like a lot but when you are packing for 2 weeks far away from Walgreens, and you are carrying 7 pounds of books and 7 pounds of antibiotics, shampoo, hand wipes, and bandaids, 44 pounds is pretty limiting.
We will be hiking at least 3 miles per day and frequently at high altitudes so I need to pack comfortable and waterproof shoes.
Aside from hiking much of the time we will be taking a 2 1/2 hour trip via canoe into the Amazon Rainforest to Yarina Amazon Jungle Lodge. The lodge is actually 10 thatched roofed cabins with shaded terraces. The cabins have screened in porches and have a ceiling fan with solar energy for most of their electricity. Their is 110 volt electricity provided from 6 pm to 10 pm at night. Have you thought about a life without electricity? That is something as Americans we definitely take for granted.
We will also be traveling on small cruise ships around the Galapagos Islands. We will travel at night and then be able to land either dry landing or wet landing on small boats called pangas during the day. THe islands are strictly governed by the National Park officials so we can only land twice a day; once in the morning and once in the afternoon. We will get to swim and snorkel with the Galapagos wildlife!
We will also be taking busses and of course flying!
Does this sound like an exciting adventure you would like to go on? I would love for you to come along with me.
At least you can follow virtually as I post my experiences and pictures on this site.
Buenos dias!


Glenda VanSant said...

I am so excited for you. I'll be following your adventures and reliving mine right along with you.

ITsaVelma said...

Glenda, I get to snorkel with the penguins very soon! I was told by two people that worked in the Galapagos that there are many hammer head sharks. I can´t wait!! I will share pictures.

Anonymous said...

wow i can not stop reading it is so exsiting i love the things you put like the pichures and your writing it is amazing.i hope you will come visit more often and say hi to all the 5th graders before we have to go to middle school next sounds like you hade a ton of fun.
morgan (m&m)mc