How would you feel swimming with White Tipped Reef Sharks and Galapagos Black Tipped Sharks? I will share with you how I felt! I looked down and there on

the bottom of the ocean floor was a shark! Honestly, I know enough about sharks, that I was ok. I know that in the Galapagos area there are large schools of Hammerhead sharks and they are known to attack people. They can be aggressive and dangerous to humans. If I would have seen any Hammerheads I doubt I would have remained calm. The sharks I saw were not aggressive and showing no signs of aggression. Also, there were plenty of food sources around for them that were much more palatable than I was.
When I tell students in Kansas that I have swam with sharks they always look at me like I am crazy. A good analogy is like saying I pet a dog! There are varieties of sharks just as there are types of dogs. If you pet a poodle you get a visual image.

If I say I pet a pit bull you get another image. The same is true with sharks. You can learn about the types of sharks and which are most likely to harm people. Most are not dangerous anymore than dogs are dangerous to people. There are however certain dogs that have been known to attack people. Does that mean all dogs are horrible and should be killed? Or is this a ludicrous statement?
Here's a great shark website
what is that green stuff at the front of the boat?
I wish I was there. so did you have a plan of what you want to see?sead me a lot of information
Did you get to feel the shark?
If you did, what did it feel like,
what kind was it ?
your 1# TREVOR
I wish I was there. so did you have a plan of what you want to see?sead me a lot of information
The shark is so cool!
Anthony MC
Did you touch the sharks you saw?
Kathy mc
your brave simmming with sharks keylasia mc
i wish i was there keylasia mc
Ms. Davis how many sharks did you swim with.
Tyler Mc
Ms. Davis how many sharks did you swim with.
Tyler Mc
sharks are cool
Did you get scared when you swam with the sharks?
kyle MC
Did you get scared when you swam with the sharks?
kyle MC
that shark is cool did you eat it or feed it?
Did you see any giant aggresive shark?
sharks are cool keylasia mc
Were you nervous when you went swiming
I really like the pictures you took!!!
Ms.Davis what typs of sharks did you see.
riley mc
did a shark bit someone keylasia mc
the shark is cool did you take care of it or did you kill it?
cristian mc
I really like the pictures you took!!!
Katie MC
You are really brave! I could never swim with a shark!
Lane MC
That is really cool sharks are one of my favorite animals?
Josh B MC
i love sharks keylasia mc
Did any of your friends get scared when you saw the sharks or any of the other animals.
Ms.Davis how did it feel when touched the seal?
riley mc
If a shark was swimming torward you what would you do?
Drew MC
Did you spend more time indoor or outdoor?
Did any of your friends get scared when you saw the sharks or any of the other animals
layne mc
Did you spend more time indoor or outdoor?
Katie MC
sharks are sweet.
Hi I think it would be fun to swim with sharks but I would have to get used to it.
Morgan Mc
Josh- The green stuff on the front of the dingy (that is what the small boat is called!) is actually netting to protect the bow or front of the dingy from getting punctured by other boats, rough rocks and sharp objects. Great question! Mrs. Davis
Trevor, I did not feel the shark. I like my hand too much! The skin of a shark is described as rubbery though. It was a Galapagos Black Tipped Reef Shark.
Mrs. Davis
Keylasia, I wasn't brave, just very curious and excited. I would do it again tomorrow. You are sweet for saying that.
Mrs. Davis
Tyler, Great question! I went on three separate dives and I saw a total of three sharks. THere were 2 White Tipped Reef Sharks and 1 Galapagos Black Tipped Reef Shark.
Mrs. Davis
Ariana, I was not nervous at all when I went in the water but then I had experience diving and I had information. The best thing you can do is to learn as much as you can about what you are uncertain of. Mrs. Davis
Cristian, I know the tendency is to think we should kill sharks because of all we read about, but that is not what we should do. That would be like killing a dog because it is doberman pincher. That makes no sense. We should always leave nature as we found it which is what I did. I watched, learned and left.
Great question.
Mrs. Davis
Riley, I saw reef sharks when I was snorkeling.
Mrs. Davis
Lane and Katie~ Thanks!
Mrs. Davis
Morgan, It is kind of tough to get used to swimming with sharks. I prefer to swim with penguins.
Mrs. Davis
how many sharks did you see?
Mrs.Davis It is sooooo cool!!!
Did you get to touch the shark??? Next time bring me!!!!! lol
ms.Davis You got a great picter. Mc/Noah
sharks are cool what would you have done if you saw a hammerhead?
Wow you swam with a shark!!! Thats scary!!! How did you feel about swimming with a shark. Tien-MC
sharks are awesome pitbulls arent bad if ther trained properly
How did you get a piture of the sharck so close.
from leona
How long did you stay in the water with shark?
Gosh, I would have probaly freaked out if I'd have swam with the sharks! How in the world did you stay cool?
When you were there, were the foods different from what you ate here? what were some of the food's names? Well I hope that you had alot of fun:)
Your Friend,Caitlyn-MC
did u get sard when u seen srak?will u take me naextime?
your friend,
wow! i could not imagin it.that is one of many 3 top things out of tons that i am scared of.but it must of been amazing to see that.
morgan (m&m) mc
sharks are cool fish but i dont think a hammer head would attack you unless he thought you were a seal or something
im from mc sharks are awesome derek mc
jasmine fl
wow the blog about sharks was amazing i cant belive that you swam with a black tip shark that is amazing to me i love sharks ps.i loved when you came to harbordale i was having a blast when i went home i was laughing so hard.hope you come back soon=p
jasmine fl you go to so many cool places pleassssssssssssssssssss take me some day i love adventures see you soon
If a shark was swimming torward you what would you do? Drew MC
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