Sunday, December 7, 2008

In Quito, Ecuador

We have arrived in Quito, Ecuador and the streets were filled with people. There was a festival of ´foundation´on December 6th. It was next to impossible to get to our hotel. Our bus driver circled around until we were able to get close to our hotel. It was so crowded that people were parking on the sidewalks. One guy in a volkswagon got so mad at our bus driver that he passed behind our bus and while still in his car, he banged on the back of the bus with his fist. That would not happen in Kansas!
The festival went on until wee hours of the night with drinking, laughing, bands playing, natives dancing in full costume and everyone having a great time. It made it difficult to sleep. I was glad I brought ear plugs!
Today we are taking a tour of Quito and going to churches and visiting a home of a local host family for lunch. It will be interesting.
We were told we could not eat any foods that were not peeled such as lettuce or apples, grapes (unless we peeled them!). They use herbicides and pesticides in this country to a very large degree and there is little regulation. The chemicals would make us sick.
We also must drink bottled water at all times even to brush our teeth.
Quito is an interesting place. I will include pictures when I am at a computer where I can upload files.

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