Sunday, January 4, 2009

Animals of the Galapagos

Land Iguana: The islands are home to the Land Iguana with their smiling, greenish face. They just laze around in the sun. They did holes in the ground and live in large underground communities. We saw their snake-like trails everywhere in the sand and dirt. You can see the tail trail and where their claws dig in.
Marine Iguana: The marine Iguanas are everywhere. The males are larger than the females. You will see a large group of them together just laying in the sun. They are a dark grey and look like a prehistoric reptile! They just are freaky! We had to step over them and when I was snorkeling, I would see them swimming in the water.

Galapagos Giant Tortoise: The first thing we saw as we drove across the country side on the leeside of the island was the Giant Galapagos Tortoise. They were in the wild and they had cruised onto a local farm. There were two of them in a large fenced in area with the local farm stock. They seemed more active than the tortoises at the Sedgwick County Zoo. You need to take a moment to learn more about the Galapagos Tortoise. They are such fascinating animals.

Blue Footed Booby: Ok…I know what you are thinking! The name of these fascinating birds just is too funny. The Galapagos tourist Department realizes this as well because there were more T shirts with silly sayings regarding the Blue Footed Booby than any other animal on the islands. I was just laughing. I could not purchase a T shirt for my teenage son because I knew he would get into trouble by trying to wear a T shirt to school. The Blue Footed Booby is a bird that can turn his head around to face the direction of his back similar to an owl. It is the strangest looking bird. There is also a Red Footed Booby.

Sally Light Foot Crabs: The brilliantly red and orange crabs were evident on all the rocks along the shorelines. They clung to the rocks and appeared as red dots from a distance. They are beautiful!

Sea Lions: The Sea Lions were curious and every time we would go snorkeling, we would find a couple of Sea Lions joining us in the water. They appear awkward, laborious and clunky on land but in the water, they are graceful and lithe. The Sea Lions would swim up beside us really quickly and then slow down to match our swimming pace. They would swim up and ‘eye’ us with curiosity. We would swim down and swim around with them and imitate their movements. They would get close enough to touch! During my very last dive, a female swam up and was beside me for quite awhile. I was diving down under the water and imitating her movements. I got brave enough to reach out and stroke her large, brown fur covered body. She quivered all over. When she jumped, I gasped. This is not a good thing to do when you are snorkeling underwater with a J-tube in your mouth! I choked, gasped and coughed. I had to surface to breathe. I loved it though! I had to laugh at myself and my own excitement.
The Sea Lion bulls take over a group of females for a period of about two weeks. He has to remain vigilant because another bull that will try to contend for his position. Therefore, he doesn’t eat while he is in charge of the herd of females. After awhile of not eating and sleeping, he begins to lose weight and stamina and another healthy bull will challenge him and win. So, the next bull takes over as the leader of the group. Read more about the Sea Lions and their smaller relatives, the Fur Seals.

Galapagos Penguins: Think about this one: Penguins on the equator! We usually associate penguins with cold weather. There were penguins at the equator. They were adorable. They are the second smallest penguins in the world.


Anonymous said...

The seal is so cute.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The seal is cute and looks like my dog when it curls like a dounut!

Erika MC

Anonymous said...

I love the monkeys they are so cute.The baby sea lions are so cute and I really want one!I wonder how it feels like to be on a emergancy landing.Is it scary not being able to understand what they are saying From:ciara mc

Anonymous said...

I love the monkeys they are so cute.The baby sea lions are so cute and I really want one!I wonder what it feels like to be on a emergency landing.Is it scary?Do you know what the monkeys eat? From:ciara mc

Anonymous said...

you put did not dig

Anonymous said...

you made a mistake in the land igauna coment you said they did holes.

from haleigh mc

Anonymous said...

you made a mistake in the land igauna coment you said they did holes.

from haleigh mc

Anonymous said...

This paragraph is interesting and the pictures are amazing.My favorites are the monkeys (curious george) and the cute little lion seal. I can not believe it has finger nails I did not know that. Was it fuzzy and afraid of you?

Morgan Mc

Anonymous said...

They're so CUTE!!!!!!!! I SOOOOOOO wish I can go there so day.

Mackenzie MC

Anonymous said...

Do you know why those birds were called Blue Footed Boobys?

Layne M C

Anonymous said...

i loved learning about the blacked tipped sharks. Did you see any other speiseis of sharks?
from haleigh mc

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Davis
Did you step in any Galapagos snow? If you did how did you react?

Sage MC

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go to the island some day and see every thing you saw.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go to the island some day and see every thing you saw.

morgan Mc

Anonymous said...

I would like to go see that crab because . I like its colers of red and orange and I would not like to go see that shark.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.Davis,

I LOVED the igonas, they are my secend favorite reptile. The pinguins are SO CUTE!!!! Did you get some sovornears? I just wanted to know what it is, if you got a or some sovornears.

love Ruth

Anonymous said...

How many other animals did you see while you were in the Galapagos? All of the pictures I saw were very cool. I especially liked the penguin, sealion,and the Sally Light Foot Crab.They were all really cool.

Anonymous said...

I would like to go see that crab because . I like its colers of red and orange and I would not like to go see that shark.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.davis,

I forgot to tell you that you made a tipeo. On the igwona image you put they did holes, insead of they DIG holes.

Love Ruth mc, i forgot on my other one to put mc, sorry

ITsaVelma said...

Christina, The seals are adorable. Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I would bet that you would love to see the animals and take pictures too. Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I said, "Awe!" When I read your description of the seal. You painted a really vivid picture in my head of your dog! How cute.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I agree the Sea Lion was so cute and I wanted to bring it home with me as well. I hope you never experience an emergency landing. It was not fun.
Have a wonderful day.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Thank you so much for catching my spelling my mistake. I appreciate you letting me know.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I could not Curious George had finger nails either. He had the smallest little hands that looked like ours.
The fur seals were fuzzy and they were not afraid of us at all.
They were adorable.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Mackenzie, I agree! I wish I could go back right now. I also wish I could take you all with me. You should go someday!
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Layne, I have absolutely no idea why the birds are called Blue Footed Boobies. I can guess the first part is because they in fact have blue feet. There are also Red Footed Boobies. They have red feet. I do not know where the word Boobies came from. Funny name.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Haleigh, Yes, I saw the white tipped reef shark! I am glad you liked learning about them.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Oh, Sage... you make me smile. I am sure I stepped in Galapagos 'snow' many times without realizing it. I walked all over the islands and there was snow or bird scat all over the island because there were birds all over the island. I just kept walking! What would you have thought?
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Ruth, I did purchase some souveniers. I got several T Shirts, art work, a handmade purse, and a blow gun for my son. He loves the blow gun.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Make it a goal to go to the island and see everything I saw. You are very young and you can set goals and make them happen!
Good luck.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Hallie, The crab is beautiful and I understand why you would not want to see the shark.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Thank you for pointing out my typo. I appreciate it. You are a great editor.
Mrs. Davis

Anonymous said...


when you swam with the sarks was is by them realy swimming next to them?


Anonymous said...

i love this picture it's cute


Anonymous said...

do you know how the galapagus penguins can survive without coldness?


Anonymous said...

i love animals and i love to exsplore and find some very interesting soundes like you had a great time.

p.s.are your two bunnys stell alive
blackberry and the grey one.

morgan (m&m)mc

Anonymous said...

The penguins are so cute!!!! How did you take such great photos!!!! wow!! Tien-MC

Anonymous said...

The seal is adorible !!!

Anonymous said...

hi mc

Anonymous said...

the seal is the cuteist tien-mc

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Davis,
I think that the animals that you took pictures of are so cute!:)I hope that you had a wonderful time :)

You Friend,
Caitlyn McCollom

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Davis,
I think that the animals that you took pictures of are so cute!:)I hope that you had a wonderful time :)

You Friend,
Caitlyn McCollom

Anonymous said...

dear mrs davis you swam with a shark that is scary!!! did it touch you at all !!!!???? that is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you swam with a shark !! that is like crazy but no afence about you but that is awesome isnt it ?//? bye tien-mc

Anonymous said...

what did you fead it. And what dose it eat.

leona mc

ITsaVelma said...

I didn't feed the animals anything because we were not supposed to bother the animals. We were to leave the environment like we found it. We just watched. The animals ate various things. Which animal were you wondering about?
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Tien, I swam with a shark and it did feel a bit crazy since it is not something I do every day. Since I live in Kansas I don't have that chance all the time. Would you do it?
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Caitlyn, I loved watching all the animals and taking their pictures. It was also fun sharing with you.
Maybe you can go see them yourself one day.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

TIen, I think the seal is adorable as well.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Tien, The penguins are adorable. I did not realize they had penguins at the equator.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Morgan AKA M&M,
You have always loved animals. Even when you were a little girl. You would have loved going on this trip. I wish I could have taken you along with me.
I actually am not sure about Blackberry and Gracie Girl. I gave them to two little girls that wanted them. Their mother came to my garage sale and saw them. Her daughters started petting them and the girls fell in love. The mother asked where I got them and if there were any more. I told her the girls could have those. So, they took them home. They were very happy. I didn't get to take them to work with me anymore so they didn't get attention all the time. They missed being held by kids!!
I miss you, M&M. Tell your mom hello.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

What a great question! I always associated penguins with cold weather too. I was amazed there were penguins at the equator. THey adapted to the warm climate just as other species adapted to colder climates.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I am glad you like the picture. I liked taking it and sharing it with you.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

When I swam with the sharks, I actually tried to stay at a respectful distance from the sharks. I certainly did not want to threaten them. I tried to observe and swim away.
It was an interesting experience.
Mrs. Davis