Christine and Ruby in the kitchen cooking over the open pit fire.
Christine chopping down the plantain.
Byron showed us how to use a blow gun. I am trying to blow a dart at a melon on a stick. I am not very good at it! The Quichua tribe use this weapon to hunt monkeys. Three Quichua hunters will shoot the darts simulaneously at a monkey. The darts have the poison from a poison dart frog . They will roast the dart frog on a spit of fire and the poison will come to the surface of the frog. They roll the dart on the frog's skin and the poison is transferred from the frog to the dart. Then when the hunters shoot the monkey the poison will paralyze the monkey's heart. It does not kill the monkey but rather stuns the monkey and then the monkey will fall out of the tree. The hunters then kill the monkey when it lands on the ground. Sad but that is how it is done. This is a picture of a poison dart frog.
We also went on night hikes to see the wildlife at night. We were able to see owls, caiman, birds, irridecent bugs, toads, and many more animals. The most fascinating were the caimans. We could see their red eyes reflecting back in the water. We then went closer to look at them and you could see their entire body reflected in the shine of our flashlights. They were not as large as aligators but it was still erie being that close to reptiles in the wild at night.
Here is a map of the trip we are taking.
Day 1) Fly from U.S.to Quito stay at Reina Isabel Hotel
Day 2) Explore Quito
Day 3) Fly to Coca in the Amazon Rainforest- we will travel by Canoe to Lodge : Yachana Lodge or Yarina Lodge
Day 4-5) Explore Amazon Basin : Yachana Lodge or Yarina Lodge
Day 6) Travel by Canoe to Coca then we Fly to Quito where we will
cruise the Galapagos Islands
Day 7-9) Fly to Galápagos/Cruise Galápagos
Day 10) Fly to Quito/Explore Quito
Day 11) Return to U.S.
Day 12-14) Stay in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
If you care to travel virtually with me... look up on GoogleEarth Galapagos Islands, Quito and Amazon Rainforest. Take a virtual tour of the sites I will be showing you pictures of on this blog.