Friday, December 19, 2008

Trip to the Rainforest

Dec. 8, 2008
We left Quito and flew over the Andes mountains to Coco Town.
We had to stop and gear up for the rainforest. Are you wondering what gear we needed? We needed rubber boots for hiking in the jungle. See Kay trying on her boots?

We then motored up the Napo River which is the longest river in Ecuador. The trip was incredible. We got a river-front view of the tropical rainforest. We could see the various levels of the rainforest and all the people and activity that happens along the banks of the river. We were able to view the indigenous people washing their clothes, bathing and getting into their canoes. The dwellings were few and far between.
We turned from the Napo river up tributary into black water to the Yarina Lodge.
The lodge is absolutely beautiful. It had a wonderful common area where we dined and gathered together. It had hammocks for people to relax and hang out.
My friend Marcia and I had a thatched roof hut to ourselves. It had two double beds and a bathroom. There was no electricity except between 6-10 at night when they ran the generator. It was very comfortable though. The climate was warm but as you probably know if you have studied the rainforest, it is very shady. The sunlight does not filter through the canopy to the ground. Therefore, it was really not too warm.
There were surprisingly few mosquitoes. Eddie, our guide, explained that mosquitoes prefer fresh water and that most of the water in the rainforest is brackish or black with soil. We found most the mosquitoes up in the emergent layer around the bromiliades and the orchids where rainwater sat in the cup of the flowers.
This is Eddie, our Amazon rainforest naturlist or guide.


Anonymous said...

Where was the water falling from?

from Drew MC

ITsaVelma said...

Drew, It was raining. The rain was falling on the roof and then the water was draining from the drain pipe.
That is a lot of water isn't it?!
Mrs. Davis

Anonymous said...

i like the shark picture FL mikey

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a great time! I think the amazon rainforest is amazing! I was watching survivorman last night and he was sleeping in the Amazon rainforest!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Thank you for eaching us about rain forests and the Golapagos islands! The pictures were fanominal! F.L.

Anonymous said...

hello i love monkys
louis FL

Anonymous said...

mikey FL what was the most exiting part of the trip

Anonymous said...

the pictures are really cool i like the igana.
Quinn FL

Anonymous said...

the pictures are realy cool
Quinn FL

Anonymous said...

what was the mst exiting part of th trip $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@############!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%%%%%%%%%%%

Anonymous said...

what was the shark looking for

Anonymous said...

the seals are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that the rainforest has alot of cool plants and animals from liza fl

Anonymous said...

the pictures are cool
Quinn FL

Anonymous said...

I hate mosquitos. I always get bit by them.
Danny FL.

Anonymous said...

how much did that boat cost

Anonymous said...

you are awsome cooooooooooooooollllHH

Anonymous said...

how many seals did you pet

Anonymous said...

you must have alot of fun on your trips liza fl

Anonymous said...

louie this is liza

Anonymous said...

i love u

ITsaVelma said...

Mikey~ FL,
I liked the sharks from a distance! :)
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

So would you like to sleep in the AMazon Rainforest like the participants on the survivor show? I think it would be tough... It was tough enough to sleep in a nice hut without electricity.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I am glad you enjoy the pictures and learning about the rainforest and island biomes.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I love the monkeys, too!
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

The most exciting part of the trip was getting to see the animals. I love animals and getting to see them in their native habitat was wonderful. I really loved the snorkeling in the Galapagos. It was incredible!
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I loved watching how lazy the iguanas were. They just laid there without a care in the world.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I agree there are a lot of plants and animals which are exciting. They are similar to Florida since you are in the tropics as well.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

There really were hardly any mosquitos in either habitat. The rainforest did not have the freshwater they like except high up in the canopy. The water was called black water and the mosquitos do not care for it. They prefer standing fresh water. I thought that was interesting. In the Galapagos, there was always a nice ocean breeze and the islands are far away from the main land. I did not see one mosquito there.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

Some of you did not sign your names....
I am not sure how much the boat costs. It would be impolite to ask.
We were not supposed to touch the wildlife. There is a saying, "Leave nature as you found it." This means do not disturb it or touch it. I did touch a seal in the water and it jumped and I jumped. It approached me and swam very close to me. I think it surprised both of us. :)

Remember to sign your name so I can comment back to you.
Mrs. Davis

ITsaVelma said...

I have a blast on my trips! I love to travel and would recommend you try it someday.
Mrs. Davis