Thursday, December 4, 2008

Night Before Take Off....

I am packed and ready to go tomorrow. The forecast for Quito, Ecuador this week is 64-66 degrees and cloudy with thunderstorms. Every single day there is at least a 30% chance of thunderstorms and most days it is 40-50% chance. It is called the rainforest for a reason! San Cristobal Island, Galapagos is reporting a consistent 73 degrees every day. It is consistent in temperature. I am still not sure if I packed for the weather or not. I have packed all the things the tour guidebook recommends but it is always interesting traveling to a location you have never been before. I have no idea if what I have packed will be the appropriate clothes or not. I will find out very soon.
I have printed my boarding pass! This is the first time I have ever printed my boarding pass from home. Usually you can go to the airport and do an electronic ticket and use the electronic kiosks to check in. However, AirTran sent me an email that allowed me to print my boarding pass and to check my luggage ahead of time. THis should save me time tomorrow at the airport. The new baggage charge is in effect. If you take more than one bag, you have to pay $25 for each additional bag and some airlines charge more. You have a weight limit of 50 pounds for each bag so don't think you can just pack a bag really full and bypass the extra charge.
In the states, I have the weight limit of 50 pounds but when I fly on Lanecuador Airlines, International I have a weight limit of 44 pounds. My bag currently weighs 42 pounds. I have just a few more items to add before tomorrow morning. I should be good to go!
I am getting excited to see the animals of the equator!! I will blog as much as possible.


Anonymous said...

that is AWSOME from alie FL.

Anonymous said...

The Rain Forest sounds great.Haley FL

Anonymous said...

The isands sound Awesome!

Anonymous said...

I want to go there so bad. i like the seals and the monkeys. i think it would be fun to go to a school like the kids there did. i think it would be cool to have an outdoor classroom.if you got close to the seals would they hurt you? Alie FL.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to go to the Rain Forest.Haley FL

Anonymous said...

wish i could go there Alie FL